Put Em' On A Poster!

Design does not happen by accident. It is a deliberate effort to communicate something creatively and effectively to an audience. It can accomplish these things with ease, but it can also put them in a blender to the point where neither of them are recognizable anymore. The simplest choices and most intricate details can either make or break this objective. Effective Posters Are Effective This poster is a good design for two very simple reasons. These reasons include color scheme, and legibility. The color scheme used a tertiary color scheme which consists of three colors. Blue, Red, and Yellow are the three primary colors and create a very contrast heavy look. This allows the viewer to easily distinguish the differences between the highlights, shadows and mid tones. The legibility attribute of this poster is very high. Is it a plain background, with a portrait of Barack Obama taking up ninety percent of the surface area which makes it prominent. The word “Hope” at the bottom ...