Good Logo Design

The apple logo is a visual representation of the company for a number of reasons. It is a very plain silver color, which is the color of the original iphone’s aluminum backing. It also has very smooth edges with nice curves. This is an ode to the ergonomic design direction of all Apple products. They are all super slim, have smooth edges, and a very minimalistic design much like the logo. Apart from the logo being instantly recognizable due to Apple’s marketing expertise, it is the logo version of an iPhone, it is slim, sleek, and minimalistic The automotive brand, Jaguar also has a very striking logo. The majority of their cars are sporty, fast, loud and aggressive. This logo conveys all of those attributes. The animal in the middle seems to be flying right at you, which hints at their car’s characteristics. The color red is also a color of anger or love. This connects the “angry” characteristics of the speed that their cars can achieve, and the loud n...